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Swimsuit Quad (08/09/14)
Boy meets girl. Boy finds out girl is limbless due to some disease and too young to understand. Boy grows up and takes care of limbless girl.
The clichéd story had been yours for a good long while now. Even up to the end of high school you two had been close. However, it had been a one fateful day when it went past simply being “childhood friends”
It had been a hot week. Those still outside hurried in to escape the heat. But a certain little someone caught you coming inside after being out and about. She had been set up to relax in the small kiddy pool that was the perfect size for her. She calls out when she sees you, asking how your day was and if you’d like to join her... Will you accept?


A picture made in... May *ahem* Talk about being lazy with updates ;p
I was particularly happy with the color result. I planned to post it on my new website version, but since it takes time, better show it to the world now!

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